Welcome to the Bible Society of Mongolia website.
Here you can:
Find out about BSM Belief Statement
Find out about the Bible translation
Bible Society of Mongolia (BSM) was first announced in Mongolia in 1990 and received official registration from the State throughout the years. The aim was to serve God through translating, publishing and distributing the Scriptures and other Christian literature, making them available to the Mongolian peoples.
In the translation of God’s word we pay the utmost attention to accuracy, that it shall be in accord with the Biblical texts in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, yet aiming to accurately communicate the identical message to today’s reader in stylistically acceptable language of the people.
BSM is supported by God, through his people around the world. It receives no budget from any organisation. Translation, publication and distribution is costly. You can fellowship with God in helping Mongolians get God’s Word, accurately and acceptably. Find out about donating.